著名书画家、敦煌美术馆馆长李云川先生“一带一路”上的明珠——李云川敦煌艺术展于2月21日下午13:00(伦敦时间),在具有600年历史的剑桥出版社(Cambridge University Press)会展中心Pitt Building隆重开幕,这也是剑桥大学出版社这一全球最大、影响力最强的出版社之一首次为中国书画家举办画展。剑桥市市长乔治·皮珀斯(George Pippas)先生、剑桥华人社区中心主席孙伟博士、英国皇家学会工业院士、剑桥大学终身教授张祥成出席开幕式并讲话。此外,出席开幕式的各界嘉宾还有剑桥大学原校长助理、剑桥大学终身教授袁博平,中国铁路文公团党委副书记、纪委书记、工会主席刘廷宜,著名企业家代表、英国剑桥创业投资协会会长李志昕先生,副会长郭根龙先生等各界贤达。
Famous artist,Curator of Dunhuang Gallery,Mr.Yunchuan Li’s art exhibition‘Pearl on the Belt and Road–Yunchuan Li Dunhuang Art Exhibition’was opened on February 21 at 13:00(London time),at the 600-year-old Cambridge University Press Pitt Building.George Pippas,Mayor of Cambridge,Dr.Sun Wei,Chairman of Cambridge Chinese Community Centre,Dr.Zhang Xiangcheng,Royal Society Industry Fellow and tenure professor at the University of Cambridge,attended the opening ceremony and delivered speeches.Other distinguished guests attended the ceremony including:Dr.Boping Yuan,tenured Professor at the University of Cambridge;Mr.Tingyi Liu,deputy party secretary of China Railway Art Troupe;Mr.Li Zhixin,president of Cambridge Venture Capital Association;Mr.Guo Genlong,vice president of Cambridge Venture Capital Association.
Introduction of Mr Yunchuan Li
The opening ceremony was hosted by Dr.Wei Sun,the Chairman of Cambridge Chinese Community Centre(CCCC).Mr.Li firstly delivered a speech to express the warmest welcome to all distinguished guests attending the exhibition.He recalled his long engagement with Dunhuang art,and pointed out the profound meaning of introducing Dunhuang art to the western world for strengthening the cultural confidence of Chinese people.
Mr Yunchuan Li welcomed guests to the exhibition
随后剑桥市市长乔治·皮珀斯(George Pippas)先生致辞,郑重起见,他特意穿上了剑桥市长的传统礼服盛装。他回顾了剑桥作为“一带一路”终点区域的重要意义,感谢了李云川先生将最正宗的敦煌文化带到剑桥这一历史文化名城,并高度评价了李云川先生的艺术成就,在展览中,他提出李云川先生的中国画作品融合了东西方的功力,是不可多得的人类艺术瑰宝。
Then,Mr.George Pippas,the Mayor of Cambridge,gave the welcome speech to Mr.Yunchuan Li.He introduced the long history of Cambridge as an important destination of the‘Silk Road’.He highly praised Mr.Yunchuan Li’s great art achievements and appreciated his great efforts in introducing the splendid Dunhuang art to the local people at Cambridge.
剑桥市市长乔治·皮珀斯(George Pippas)先生盛装致辞
Mayor of Cambridge Mr.George Pippas gave the welcome speech
The Royal Society Industry Fellow,Director of‘One Belt One Road’Centre of Cambridge,Prof.Xiangcheng Zhang delivered a welcome speech on behalf of the university.He emphasised the importance of art and culture in the‘One Belt One Road’initiative.He also expressed his highest appreciation to Yunchuan Li’s art achievement.
The royal society industry fellow,Director of‘One Belt One Road’centre of Cambridge,Prof.Xiangcheng Zhang gave the welcome speech
The Opening Ceremony
The opening ceremony attracted hundreds of guests to come and have a view.Among them,there are Artists from China Railway Art Troupe and CPC Central Military Commission Political Department Song and Dance Troupe.
Artists from China Railway Art Troupe and CPC Central Military Commission Political Department Song and Dance Troupe attended the exhibition.
Famous linguists,Reader of Department of East Asia Studies,Dr.Boping Yuan said that Mr Yunchuan Li is a great presentative artist of Dunhuang art and Chinese art.He would strongly recommend his students and all people who love Chinese culture to attend this exhibition.
The Mayor of Cambridge carefully viewing the paint.
Mr.Yunchuan Li signed his books for guests.
Mr.Yunchuan Li donate his work“Fu Gui Tu”to the Mayor of Cambridge and the Cambridge City Council
李云川先生与嘉宾合影(左起:袁博平教授,李云川先生,George Pippas市长,张祥成教授)
Mr.Yunchuan Li with distinguished guests(from Left:Prof.Boping Yuan,Mr.Yunchuan Li,Mr.George Pippas,Prof.Xiangcheng Zhang)
Introduction of Mr Yunchuan Li
Mr Li Yunchuan is curator of the Dunhuang Gallery and director of the Dunhuang Art Research Institute.He has long been engaged in research on the theory of calligraphy and painting,publishing more than 500 pieces of calligraphy and artwork,and more than 40 research papers.His works have been exhibited many times in China,Japan,Thailand,Singapore and Europe.More than 300 of his works have been acquired by domestic and foreign museums,art galleries and private collectors.His art biography has also been included in a number of artists’dictionaries.For more information,please browse Mr Yunchuan Li’s official website:
时间|Opening hours
The Pitt Building,Trumpington Street,Cambridge CB2 1RP
The China News Agency,and Nouvelles d'Europe sent reporters to the exhibition to record the ceremony,and the report will be published soon.The Netease(163.com)will be the media partner of the exhibition and will report Mr.Yunchuan Li’s series activities in the UK.