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热烈欢迎新加坡Christopher Lim博士于成都博润白癜风医院交流考察

文章来源:大手笔网 作者:
发布时间:2019-02-19 11:11:20

近日,在成都博润白癜风医院全体员工的热烈期待下,新加坡医师Christopher Lim博士来到该院,就白癜风临床诊疗、实验室科研、人才培养等问题进行交流与探讨。双方互通有无,提出了许多建设性的意见与建议。该院童学娅主任表示, Lim博士此次的交流之旅,相信会对未来的合作打下友好的基础。aaa大手笔网—中国第一文化门户网站


Christopher Lim博士毕业于新加坡国立大学,获得医学和外科学士学位。他还是新加坡家庭医生学院的成员,并拥有家庭医学研究生文凭。aaa大手笔网—中国第一文化门户网站




Dr Christopher Lim graduated from the National University of Singapore with a Bachelors in Medicine and Surgery. He is also a member of the College of Family Physicians Singapore and holds a graduate diploma in Family Medicine.aaa大手笔网—中国第一文化门户网站

 Before joining the Novena Vitiligo Medical Centre, Dr Lim had stints working in both Dermatology and Plastics and Reconstructive Surgery departments in hospitals across Singapore. Additionally, he also rotated through internal medicine, general surgery, orthopaedics, ophthalmology, sports medicine and has gained experience in acute care through working in the Emergency Department.aaa大手笔网—中国第一文化门户网站

 Dr Lim's interest lies largely in skin. He advocates wellness and holistic care and believes that these aspects of daily living are reflected in ones skin.aaa大手笔网—中国第一文化门户网站

 On top of that, Dr Lim embraces healthy and balanced living and is often found working hard in the gym or on the floorball court.http://www.dashoubi.org/news/zxzx/2019-02-19/66269.htmlaaa大手笔网—中国第一文化门户网站